Operation Night Strikers adds Operation Thunder Bolt & Space Gun
Taito's Operation Wolf, Night Striker, Operation Thunderbolt, and Space Gun bundled for Nintendo Switch & Windows via Steam.
Taito's Operation Wolf, Night Striker, Operation Thunderbolt, and Space Gun bundled for Nintendo Switch & Windows via Steam.
Action role-playing game Cadash launched for PC-Engine on this date in 1991, featuring music composed by Taito sound team Zuntata.
Strictly Limited Games now shipping Dariusburst CS Core Collector's Edition for Nintendo Switch, bundled with soundtrack on compact disc.
Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III (1991) streaming on Spotify, featuring original music composed by Masahiko Takaki of Zuntata.
Taito Milestones 3 launched for Nintendo Switch later today, featuring Bubble Bobble, Rastan Saga Trilogy, Cadash, other arcade classics.
Special Limited Edition preorders open for Taito platformer Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble III for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch consoles.
Developed by Taito, Arcade Archives Rastan Saga II debuts on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch consoles, published by Hamster Corporation.
Hamster Corporation published Arcade Archives Rastan Saga earlier this week, available for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 consoles.
Darius Twin Original Soundtrack, composed by Shizuo Aizawa of Zuntata, from the Super Nintendo shoot-em-up by Taito streaming on Spotify.
Darius Cozmic Revelation for PS4 and Nintendo Switch includes G-Darius, G-Darius HD, and Dariusburst Another Chronicle EX+.
Hamster Corporation publishes Arcade Archives Darius II, three-screen wide aspect ratio edition, available for Nintendo Switch and PS4 consoles.
Ray'z Music Chronology: Special Tracks by Taito music studio Zuntata streaming on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music Unlimited.
Puzzle Bobble Wii soundtrack, composed by Yasuhisa Watanabe of Tait's Zuntata sound team, published ten years ago, on this date.
Taito Milestones 2 compilation for Nintendo Switch includes KiKi KaiKai, Metal Black, Darius II, and The NewZealand Story.
City Connection published Sega Saturn shoot-em-up Metal Black S-Tribute in February for Windows through Steam and Xbox consoles.
Developer NatsumeAtari's enhanched port The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors published for Windows through Steam.
Developed by Taito, Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Collector’s Edition for Nintendo Switch ships with soundtrack on two compact discs.
Hirokazu Koshio's soundtrack from Rainbow Islands Towering Adventure for Xbox Live Arcade and WiiWare streaming on YouTube Music.
City Connection publishes Puzzle Bobble 2X and Puzzle Bobble 3 arcade and Saturn compilation, for consoles and Windows through Steam.
Hamster Corporation to publish Arcade Archives The Newzealand Story on January 26th, playable on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
Zuntata 30th anniversary album "reZonance world" contains arrangements of Darius and RayForce series music.
Hamster Corporation publishes Arcade Archives Bubble Bobble today, playable on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch consoles.
Yasuhisa Watanabe's music score for Taito's Sega Saturn action title Elevator Action Returns streaming on YouTube Music and Spotify.
Zuntata's arrangement album "Metal Black -The First," based on the Taito game score, now playing on Amazon Music Unlimited and Spotify.
Darius soundtrack, composed by Hisayoshi Ogura of Taito's Zuntata Sound Team, streaming on Amazon Music Unlimited.