The Ongaku

Ray’z Arcade Chronology released for Windows through Steam

Jerry on
Ray’z Arcade Chronology released for Windows through Steam
The Windows port of Ray’z Arcade Chronology by Developer M2 is now available through Steam. The retrospective remake collection previously launched for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, published by ININ Games.

"RayCrisis HD Collection" bundles polygonal 3D HD remasters of RayStorm and RayCrisis together with their classic arcade editions. "Chronology" adds the original arcade series title RayForce. Music for the shoot-em-ups is by Tamayo Kawamoto, aka TAMAYO, of Taito's Zuntata sound studio, available for streaming on Spotify.

Zuntata has released the digital edition of "Ray'z Music Chronology: SPECIAL TRACKS," streaming on Apple Music and Amazon Music Unlimited. First published in 2017, music from the compilation was performed during the September 2022 "Ray'z Music Live: STRAHL" event, featuring "BETTA FLASH," formed by Kawamoto and vocalist Cyua.

Ray’z Arcade Chronology Collector’s Edition ships from Strictly Limited Games. Excerpts of all tracks from "Ray'z Music Chronology" are streaming on digital music store Ototoy.

From the product page:
Set in a cyberspace environment, RayCrisis marked a style departure from the rest of the series. Prequel to RayForce, it details the events during the time in which the supercomputer called Con-Human gained sentience and rebelled against its human creator. While the Earth is demolished to be remade as Con-Human’s new corporeal form, a cyberspace hacker launches a desperate assault to jack into the supercomputer’s virtual core and cease its insanity. It is up to you and the Waveriders to keep the malicious AI from causing any more chaos – even if it could be too late, the least you can do is ensure that no more lives are lost in the real world by ending it in the digital realm.

Set in a parallel universe, in RayStorm the Earth and humanity have prospered enough to expand space colonies all the way into Orion. Unfortunately, the rebellious colony of Secilia overthrows the government of the Earth-based Star Federation and plans to obliterate the earth and all the people on it. To counter it, Earth sends out a covertly-developed fighter codenamed the R-Gray (that’s you buddy) in hopes of penetrating the Secilian atmosphere and obliterating Secilia’s base of operations, the Juda Central Core.
Nintendo - Ray’z Arcade Chronology / RayStorm X RayCrisis HD Collection

YouTube Music - Ray'z Music Chronology Special Tracks

Apple Music - Ray'z Music Chronology Special Tracks

Strictly Limited - Ray’z Arcade Chronology Collector’s Edition - Nintendo Switch / PS4