❝In 1987, brothers Rand and Robyn Miller started a new company called Cyan, Inc. releasing a new kind of children’s software titled The Manhole. It was a simple, quirky exploration of a black & white world, with very little to get in the way of the journey. The Manhole was well received by children of all ages, and the brothers followed it with Cosmic Osmo and Spelunx – two more whimsical environments for kids to explore. Rave reviews and countless awards followed, including Best New Use of a Computer by the Software Publishers Association.
In 1991 Cyan began work on Myst. The goal: create a new kind of experience that felt more like a place than a game. There would be no dying, no shooting, no starting over, and no inventory – dramatic breaks from “traditional” gaming. Myst was about finding yourself lost in a world, exploring it to gain understanding, and ultimately becoming part of the story. The public response was nothing short of phenomenal. ❞ cyan.com