The House of the Dead 2 Remake announcement trailer premieres
Developer MegaPixel Studio S. A. and publisher Forever Entertainment schedule The House of the Dead 2 Remake for release this spring.
❝Cartridge Thunder Ltd. is a design and production company based in Chicago, IL. We produce and distribute officially licensed collectible media, primarily on the vinyl format. In addition, we are authorized distributors of today's most exciting producers in the collectible space: NECA, Mondo, Light in the Attic, and more.❞ cartridgethunder.com
Developer MegaPixel Studio S. A. and publisher Forever Entertainment schedule The House of the Dead 2 Remake for release this spring.
Anti Gravity Tournament vinyl by UK producer Pizza Hotline and Swedish electronic artist Mitch Murder inspired by the WipEout franchise.
Preorders open at Cartridge Thunder for Ape Escape Originape Soundtracks in a Box by Soichi Terada, including four analog records.
Virtua Fighter 2 arcade + Saturn soundtrack on vinyl composed by Takayuki Nakamura, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, and Akiko Hashimoto.
Far East Recording has published Apes In The Net, a six extended-track Ape Escape compilation by Soichi Terada, on twelve-inch vinyl and Bandcamp.
Published by Square Enix, the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Vinyl LP Box set ships domestically on three analog records.
Record label Cartridge Thunder publishes Virtua Fighter arcade and Sega Saturn double vinyl soundtrack, featuring music by Takayuki Nakamura.
Tokyo-based label P-Vine Records presses "All Sounds of Gdleen" on vinyl, shipping from PixelCrib in Australia and Black Screen Records in Europe.
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition Vinyl Soundtrack selects new compositions and arrangements found in the remastered release.
Officially licensed by Sega, the Comix Zone vinyl soundtrack ships from Cartridge Thunder in Chicago and PixelCrib in Australia.