The Ongaku

Cartridge Thunder presses Virtua Fighter 2 vinyl soundtrack

Jerry on
Cartridge Thunder presses Virtua Fighter 2 vinyl soundtrack
Record label Cartridge Thunder has opened preorders for the two-disc Virtua Fighter 2 vinyl soundtrack. Expected to ship in August, the analog record release includes music from both the arcade score and Sega Saturn home console port.

Directed by Yu Suzuki, the 3D polygonal fighting game was developed by Sega AM2 and arrived in arcades in 1994. Music from the game is streaming on Spotify, composed by Takayuki Nakamura, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, and Akiko Hashimoto.

Jacky and Sarah character themes are presented on an additional 7-inch record, alongside specially penned liner notes by Nakamura, and high-resolution renders. The newly remastered vinyl publication also ships from distributors Mondo in Austin, Black Screen Records in Europe, and PixelCrib in Australia.

From the product page:
Virtua Fighter 2 exploded into arcades worldwide in 1994. The sequel, developed by SEGA AM2 and directed by visionary creator Yu Suzuki, touted next-level 3D action and, notably, 3D texture mapping. VF2's 60fps action, new characters, moves, and textured look were made possible by SEGA's brand-new Model 2 board.

Virtua Fighter 2's popularity was immediate. It is not only one of Sega's most popular arcade games, but among the Sega Saturn's highest-selling titles to date.
Cartridge Thunder - Virtua Fighter 2 Vinyl Soundtrack

Black Screen Records - Virtua Fighter 2 Vinyl Soundtrack

Mondo - Virtua Fighter 2 Vinyl Soundtrack

PixelCrib - Virtua Fighter 2 Vinyl Soundtrack