Survival horror title Dino Crisis soundtrack, composed by Makoto Tomozawa, Sayaka Fujita, and Akari Kaida, streaming on Spotify.
Capcom's Resident Evil 1997 port for Windows debuts on GOG with new rendering options and full support for modern controllers.
Digital soundtrack for Capcom's Super Nintendo platformer Mega Man X available through Steam, Spotify and Amazon Music Unlimited.
Digital soundtrack for Capcom's Super Nintendo platformer Mega Man 7 available for streaming through Amazon Music Unlimited.
Capcom publishes digital soundtrack for survival horror title Dino Crisis 2 through Steam, composed by Makoto Tomozawa, Sayaka Fujita, and Akari Kaida.
Coinciding with the release of Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, Capcom pressed six-compact disc music compilation.