❝With over 12 million units sold worldwide since its creation in 2005, the Yakuza / Ryu Ga Gotoku series was created with the core concept of “Entertainment geared towards mature audiences” in mind, this series portrays the life of relatable people living in Japan’s red-light districts. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio excels at bringing players into a true-to-life realization of modern Japan while exploring themes of love, humanity, and betrayal, creating an experience unlike any other in digital entertainment.❞ rggstudio.sega.com
Developed by Ryū ga Gotoku Studio, Like a Dragon: Ishin! for PS4 & PlayStation 5 consoles joins the PlayStation Plus Extra catalog.
"Bakamitai (I've Been a Fool)" 12-inch wine red vinyl, published by Sega in collaboraton with record manufacturer Toyokasei, premieres in Japan.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Original Soundtrack by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio streaming on Spotify and YouTube Music.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio arrives later today for PlayStation, Xbox and Windows.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio's Yakuza: Like A Dragon vinyl soundtrack estimated to ship in August from the London-based publisher.
Soundtrack Volumes 1 & 2 for Sega's mid-19th century historical drama Ryū ga Gotoku Ishin! streaming on Spotify and Amazon Music.