The Ongaku

Soul Sacrifice Original Soundtrack published through streaming platforms

Jerry on
Soul Sacrifice Original Soundtrack published through streaming platforms
Developed by Marvelous AQL, Soul Sacrifice launched exclusively for the PlayStation Vita console on March 7th of 2013. Sony Interactive Entertainment's Japan Studio provided oversight, with former Capcom research and design chief Keiji Inafune serving in a key design position.

The central mechanic of the horror-themed game allows players to sacrifice parts of a fallen squad member's body to trigger powerful attacks on enemies. Designs unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show reflected a ruthless, bleak aesthetic, popularized in Japan at the time by the positive reception of Dark Souls.

Music for the action role-playing game was recorded at Skywalker Sound with a 94-piece orchestra and 25-voice choir. Chrono Cross composer Yasunori Mitsuda told the PlayStation Blog, "For me, it's really like a dream to be here... It has changed my conception of recording sessions 180 degrees."

Working with the Skywalker Symphony Orchestra, Resident Evil 5 co-composer Wataru Hokoyama commented, "You can feel the sense of wholeness... Even when I was conducting I was able to tell that everyone was having fun performing."

Record label Team Entertainment published Soul Sacrifice Original Soundtrack on March 13th of 2013. The 31-track digital soundtrack by Mitsuda and Hokoyama is streaming on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music Unlimited, courtesy of Sony Interactive Entertainment.

SOUL SACRIFICE オリジナルサウンドトラック - Apple Music / YouTube Music