The Ongaku

Octopath Traveler Orchestral Arrangements excerpts previewed

Jerry on
Octopath Traveler Orchestral Arrangements excerpts previewed
Concert album "Octopath Traveler Orchestral Arrangements - To Travel Is to Live" debuts today in Japan, featuring music by series composer Yasunori Nishiki. Excerpts of all tracks are streaming on Apple Music and digital music store Ototoy.

The compact disc release ships from the Square Enix store for North America, along with distributors CDJapan and Play-Asia. A live orchestral concert will be held at the Hitomi Memorial Hall in Tokyo on March 23rd, comprised of a selection of symphonic arrangements from all three Octopath Traveler game scores.

Developed by Square Enix and Acquire, the turn-based role-playing game Octopath Traveler debuted on the Nintendo Switch, pioneering the "HD-2D" development framework. The distinctive visual aesthetic combines sprite-based, two-dimensional character art and three-dimensional polygonal terrains.

From the product page:
Eight travelers. Eight adventures. Eight roles to play. Embark on an epic journey across the vast and wondrous world of Orsterra and discover the captivating stories of each of the eight travelers. Play as eight different characters, each with their own stories to uncover and side quests to complete...
Square Enix Store for North America - OCTOPATH TRAVELER Orchestral Arrangements -To travel is to live-

CDJapan - Octopath Traveler Orchestral Arrangements - To Travel Is to Live - / Recorded Journey Vinyl

Play-Asia - Octopath Traveler Orchestral Arrangements - To Travel Is to Live - / Recorded Journey Vinyl

Square Enix Japan - OCTOPATH TRAVELER Orchestral Arrangements -To travel is to live-

Apple Music - OCTOPATH TRAVELER Orchestral Arrangements -To travel is to live-