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Ihatovo Monogatari 30th Anniversary symphonic concert footage debuts
Nano Music Productions posts footage from the Ihatovo Monogatari 30th Anniversary concert, featuring music composed by Tsukasa Tawada.
❝作曲家, ピアニスト/ イーハトーヴォ物語, ポケモンコロシアム(XD), バトルレボリューション, (バトル)トローゼ, ポケとる, Pokémon Café mix(ポケまぜ), Harvest Moonシリーズ等の音楽を作曲してます。過去ドラクエシリーズのサウンドデザイン〜ピアノ版編曲なども。❞ twitter.com/TsukasaTawada
Nano Music Productions posts footage from the Ihatovo Monogatari 30th Anniversary concert, featuring music composed by Tsukasa Tawada.
Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos launches later today, featuring music by Ihatovo Monogatari composer Tsukasa Tawada.
Ihatovo Monogatari soundtrack composed by Tsukasa Tawada ships on compact disc from Nano Music Productions in Japan.
Clarice Disc's digital soundtrack for the 1991 Super Nintendo horizontal shoot-em-up available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.