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Irem Collection Volume 2 published by ININ Games
Irem Collection Volume 2 Collector's Edition bundles GunForce, GunForce II, and Air Duel and the soundtracks on compact disc.
❝20代後半のある日、何故かサウンドデザイナーという職業に就き… 会社組織兵、独立兵団、特殊傭兵と、思えば長い時を過ごしました。
代表作はMETAL SLUG、Super R-TYPE、Undercover Cops、GALLOP…などいろいろ。 出来れば生涯現役兵でいたい今日この頃です。❞ twitter.com/Hiya_Unit
Irem Collection Volume 2 Collector's Edition bundles GunForce, GunForce II, and Air Duel and the soundtracks on compact disc.
SNK Corporation's Metal Slug X vinyl soundtrack, composed by Takushi Hiyamuta, ships from publisher Wayô Records in France.
NIS America's vinyl edition of the R-Type Sound Box set ships from the publisher's store for North America on five discs, beginning June 29.
The 17-track soundtrack from SNK's 2D run-and-gun title, composed by Takushi Hiyamuta, available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.
French publisher Wayô Records presses Metal Slug 3 vinyl soundtrack, shipping from distributor PixelCrib in Melbourne.