LittleBigPlanet 2 Original Game Soundtrack premieres on Spotify
Media Molecule's user-generated content-focused puzzle platformer LittleBigPlanet 2 launched for the PlayStation 3 console in January of 2011.
❝GameSound.org is maintained by 6x academy-nominated (BAFTA, AIAS) Scottish freelance sound designer, composer, audio director and writer Kenneth C M Young.❞ gamesound.org
Media Molecule's user-generated content-focused puzzle platformer LittleBigPlanet 2 launched for the PlayStation 3 console in January of 2011.
The 2008 compilation Little BIG Music: Musical Oddities by Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra also streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.
The soundtrack from Astro Bot by Team Asobi debuts on streaming platforms, featuring music by series composer Kenneth C M Young.
Composed by Kenneth C M Young and Brian D'Oliveira, Tearaway Game Soundtrack - Bonus Edition published through streaming platforms.
20-track digital soundtrack, composed by Kenneth C M Young for the 3D platformer, available for streaming online through Spotify and YouTube Music.
Astro Bot Rescue Mission soundtrack, composed by Kenneth C M Young, streaming on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music.