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Ace Attorney Investigations Collection launch trailer premieres
Capcom's Ace Attorney Investigations Collection offers playback of in-game music tracks and bonus orchestral arrangements.
❝The classic courtroom adventure series that has sold over 6.7 million copies worldwide is finally here. Become Phoenix Wright and experience the thrill of battle as you fight to save your innocent clients in a court of law.❞ ace-attorney.com
Capcom's Ace Attorney Investigations Collection offers playback of in-game music tracks and bonus orchestral arrangements.
Laced Records' six-disc Ace Attorney 20th Anniversary Vinyl Box Set features music from six mainline series installments.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy features include the Orchestra Hall music player, loaded with a total of 175 music tracks.
The Great Ace Attorney Grand Performance Recording available for purchase on Steam, also streaming on Spotify and Amazon Music Unlimited.
Nintendo 3DS digital soundtrack streaming on Spotify and Apple Music, featuring music by Yasumasa Kitagawa, Yoshiya Terayama and Hiromitsu Maeba.