The Ongaku

Gold Master Series compilation Tetris Forever published by Digital Eclipse

Jerry on
Gold Master Series compilation Tetris Forever published by Digital Eclipse
Digital Eclipse Gold Master Series installment Tetris Forever has launched, available for Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Series X|S consoles, along with Windows through Steam and GOG.

The compilation showcases over a dozen playable classic Tetris games, including an all-new puzzle game "Tetris Time Warp." Previewed on the developer's YouTube channel, the new Tetris title challenges up to four players to "warp" between disparate graphical eras of Tetris in real time, set to original music by Bob Baffy of the Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration vinyl soundtrack.

Tetris Forever bundles an accurate recreation of the first iteration of Tetris running on the Electronika 60 computer, together with Tetris (1988), Hatris, Super Bombliss, Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss, Tetris Battle Gaiden, Super Tetris 3, and more. Also included are more than an hour of documentary videos, featuring Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov and The Tetris Company founder Henk Rogers.

The launch trailer can be viewed on the Digital Eclipse YouTube channel.

From the product page:
More than 15 playable classic games from the series' history are featured, including many being released for the first time outside Japan. Battle your friends in the multiplayer cult favorite Tetris Battle Gaiden, create massive explosions to clear lines in Super Bombliss, and see where it all began in 1984 with an accurate recreation of the first version of Tetris on the Electronika 60 computer.
Digital Eclipse - Tetris Forever