The Digital Premium Edition bundle for Windows and PlayStation platforms includes the soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata. Tactics Ogre: Reborn Original Soundtrack ships on four compact discs from the Square Enix store for North America, along with distributors Black Screen Records and CDJapan.
Directed by Yasumi Matsuno, with art by Hiroshi Minagawa and Akihiko Yoshida, Tactics Ogre debuted in October of 1995 for Nintendo's 16-bit console. The sprite-based title's first enhanced port arrived on the Sega Saturn late the following year, published by Riverhillsoft, incorporating Japanese-language voice acting. A PlayStation port emerged in 1998, marking the first English-language localization.
In 2010, Square Enix published Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together for the PlayStation Portable. Directed by Hiroshi Minagawa, Joseph Reeder and Alexander O. Smith of Kajiya Productions oversaw the English-language localization. Let Us Cling Together added equipment crafting and the ability to revisit branch points in the game's narrative.
Tactics Ogre Reborn boasts playability improvements, including a quicker pace of battle, auto save functionality, and a complete overhaul of the controls and user interface. Character portraits and backgrounds are recreated in high definition detail, while cutscenes are fully voiced in English and Japanese, and music has been rerecorded with live performances.
From the product page:
Based on the 2010 release, the game features improved graphics and sound, as well as updated game design, bringing to life a new Tactics Ogre that remains true to its roots. Tactics Ogre veterans will experience a game that surpasses their fondest memories, while players new to Tactics Ogre will discover a game unlike any they've ever played. Reborn and deeper than ever, the game enables players to immerse themselves in the world and intrigue of Tactics Ogre like never before.Square Enix store (North America) - Tactics Ogre Reborn Soundtrack CD
The Valerian Isles, jewels of the Obero Sea. Long a center of naval commerce, the people of the isles struggled throughout history for dominion over her shores. Finally there rose a man to put an end to this conflict: Dorgalua Oberyth. But history would know him as the "Dynast-King." King Dorgalua strove to stamp out the hatred among the people of the isles, and for fully half a century, Valeria knew prosperity.
CDJapan - Tactics Ogre Reborn Soundtrack
Square Enix - Tactics Ogre Reborn Soundtrack
— SQUARE ENIX MUSIC (@sem_sep) November 30, 2022
💿『Tactics Ogre: Reborn Original Soundtrack』