The Game Boy role-playing game, localized for release in Western regions as "Final Fantasy Legend III," is composed and arranged by Ryuji Sasai of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Super Mario RPG director Chihiro Fujioka. The intro theme is an arrangement of Nobuo Uematsu's main theme from Makai Toshi SaGa
"SaGa 30th Anniversary" box set shipped with an EP of piano, cello and violin trio arrangements from all three titles in the series. Excerpts from "SaGa 1・2・3 Piano Trio Arrangement Tracks" are streaming on digital music store Ototoy.
A Blu-ray entitled "SaGa 1.2.3 Original Soundtrack Revival Disc" is available for shipping domestically through Play-Asia. The disc archives the original soundtracks from the Collection of SaGa trilogy, designed by Akitoshi Kawazu.
From the product page:
A unique story which travels across time and features the first leveling system in the series. Featuring six classes to choose from, as well as the ability to transform into different classes. An adventure which spans the past, present and future unfolds with Talon, a fighter aircraft which can dash through time.YouTube Music - 【Video Soundtrack】時空の覇者 サ・ガ3[完結編]
Play-Asia - SaGa 1.2.3 Original Soundtrack Revival Disc
今日の誕生日 1991年12月13日
— MASA(19870205) (@MASA45787652) December 12, 2024
GB 時空の覇者 Sa・Ga3[完結編]
GBシリーズ3作目。開発は別スタッフが制作している。システム的にはオーソドックスなRPGでキャラにレベルがある珍しい作品。前2作と比べるとサガらしさは薄いが遊びやすい。#今日の誕生日 #時空の覇者Sa・Ga3 #ゲームボーイ