The Ongaku

Final Fantasy VIII video soundtrack playlist debuts on YouTube Music

Jerry on
Final Fantasy VIII video soundtrack playlist debuts on YouTube Music
Square Enix has posted the Final Fantasy VIII video soundtrack playlist, streaming on YouTube Music. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered is currently available for Windows, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, iOS and Andoid devices.

Twenty years after the release of the Sony PlayStation role-playing game, the 74-track "Revival Disc" joinied the publisher's series of Music Blu-Ray releases, available for shipping domestically from distributor CDJapan.

Published in 2000 through DigiCube, arrangement album Piano Collections Final Fantasy VIII reinterprets thirteen tracks from the PlayStation role-playing game. All music is composed by Nobuo Uematsu and arranged by Shiro Hamaguchi. The acoustic arrangement album is streaming on Spotify and YouTube Music.

From the product page:
Galbadia, under the influence of the sorceress Edea, mobilizes its great armies against the other nations of the world. Squall and other members of SeeD, an elite mercenary force, join hands with Rinoa, a resistance fighter, to fight against Galbadia's tyrannical rule and to prevent Edea from fulfilling her ultimate goal.
YouTube Music - Final Fantasy VIII Video Playlist / Piano Collections Final Fantasy VIII

CDJapan - Final Fantasy VIII Revival Disc Blu-Ray