The Ongaku

Persona 5: The Phantom X closed Beta announced for Japan

Jerry on
Persona 5: The Phantom X closed Beta announced for Japan
Atlus Japan has announced a closed Beta for Persona 5: The Phantom X, following launch in China and South Korea. The testing phase precedes a planned launch within Japan, available for smartphone devices and Windows through Steam.

Developed by Black Wings Game Studio, the turn-based role-playing game's opening movie can be viewed on the Atlustube channel. Publisher Perfect World Games posted an interview with music composer Ryota Kozuku, streaming via Gematsu. Original songs "Wake Up Your Hero," "Fatal Desire," and "Last Strike" are performed by vocalist Lyn Inaizumi.

Single "Ambitions and Visions" is streaming on YouTube Music. From the Atlus Japan product page:

煌びやかな悪夢を皮切りに、主人公は様々な怪異に見舞われる。 「ルフェル」と名乗る人語を話すフクロウとの出会い。鼻の長い奇妙な男と、 青い服に袖を通す麗人の居る「ベルベットルーム」なる海底トンネル。 時折脳裏に浮かび上がる、予知夢にも思えるワンシーン。 そして自らに襲いかかってくる異形たちの跋扈する異世界「メメントス」。 果たして貴方は、この世界で一体なにを掴んでいくのか……
YouTube - Persona 5: The Phantom X

YouTube Music - Ambitions and Visions (“Persona5:The Phantom X” Soundtrack)