The Ongaku

Contra ReBirth for WiiWare commemorates 14 years of release

Jerry on
Contra ReBirth for WiiWare commemorates 14 years of release
Konami published Nintendo WiiWare title Contra ReBirth on May 12th of 2009 in Japan. The run-and-gun platformer developed by M2 allows players to select Neo Contra's Bill Rizer or Genbei Yagyu as the player character.

One year following the release, Konami published the soundtracks by Manabu Namiki from Contra ReBirth and Castlevania ReBirth on a single compact disc. The digital edition debuted on the iTunes marketplace in 2018.

Contra ReBirth features arrangements of music by Konami Kukeiha Club members from a variety of Contra series titles, with a particular emphasis on Contra for NES and the Sega Mega Drive's Contra: Hard Corps. The digital soundtrack is streaming on Amazon Music Unlimited.

Apple Music Japan - Contra ReBirth Soundtrack (WiiWare)