Progressing forward from the earliest series installments, "Tales of Awakening Piano +" opens with "Yume wa Owaranai: Koboreochiru Toki no Shizuku from Tales of Phantasia.
The compilation includes "Yume de Aru you ni" from Tales of Destiny, "flying" from Tales of Eternia, "key to my heart" from Tales of Destiny 2, "Soshite boku ni dekiru koto" from Tales of Symphonia, "good night" from Tales of Rebirth, "TAO" from Tales of Legendia, "New Day, New Life" from Tales of Innocence R, "Eien no Ashita" from Tales of Hearts R, "Kane wo Narashite" from Tales of Vesperia, "White Wishes" from Tales of Graces, "progress" from Tales of Xillia, "Song 4 u" from Tales of Xillia 2, "White Light" from Tales of Zestiria, and "BURN from Tales of Berseria.
Also streaming on Spotify, the "Positive Gate" single from the Fiesta Songs compilation is composed by Hiroshi Sasaki. The Tales of Dream Project was envisioned as a series of Tales opening themes featuring vocals by Japanese-language voice actors.
From the product page:
歴代の『テイルズ オブ』を彩ってきた豪華アーティストらによる珠玉のテーマソングを朝の爽やかで癒しの時間を演出するピアノアレンジでお届け。『テイルズ オブ』ファンだけでなく、すべての音楽ファンの日常に寄り添います。Apple Music - Tales of Awakening Piano + (Streaming)
YouTube Music - Tales of Awakening Piano + (Streaming)
\Perfect Playlist before going to sleep🌛💤🎵 /
— Bandai Namco Game Music (@BNE_BNGM) May 31, 2024
New Playlist has been created from "Tales of" series music distribution!
Its name is “Tales of Awakening Piano to listen to even before you go to sleep"!
▽Have a relaxing night and morning!🎹…#BNGM