The Ongaku

Sword of the Sea by Giant Squid features music score by Austin Wintory

Jerry on
Sword of the Sea by Giant Squid features music score by Austin Wintory
The Pathless developer Giant Squid has shared the first details on upcoming adventure game Sword of the Sea, planned for release on PlayStation 5 and Windows through Steam.

In an announcement post for the PlayStation Blog, creative director Matt Nava introduced the skatepark-like ruins of the Necropolis of the Gods, explored by protagonist The Wraith. The player character, resurrected in a desolate world and tasked with restoring life, wields a Hoversword, controlling like a snowboard, skateboard, and hoverboard.

Music composed by Austin Wintory, reflecting the abandoned realm where the terrain flows in constant waves, "morphs dynamically with gameplay to deliver music that reflects where you are on your journey."

From the product page:
In a world where the terrain flows in waves, ride the Hoversword to speed over shifting seas of sand. It controls like a snowboard, skateboard, and hoverboard all in one. Build momentum to achieve great speeds and catch big air as you explore skatepark-like ruins, lost in the tides of the Necropolis of the Gods. The Hoversword embodies the feel of snowboarding and skating games, but in an entirely new context of adventure.

You are the Wraith – resurrected in a desolate world and tasked with restoring life to it as you explore submerged ruins and the vibrant, varied cultures within. Surf through sinking tombs, mysterious shipwrecks, and petrified battlefields - and bring giant shoals of fish and creatures back in the process. But beware- this land is also home to massive leviathans that will stand in your way.
Giant Squid - Sword of the Sea

PlayStation Blog- "Introducing Sword of the Sea"