The Ongaku

Life Style Relax compilation by Square Enix ships during TGS 2021 Online

Jerry on
Life Style Relax compilation by Square Enix ships during TGS 2021 Online
The Life Style Relax music compilation by Square Enix first emerged as an exclusive compact disc release, unveiled at the 2015 Tokyo Game Show at the Makuhari Messe. The 13-track compilation, now shipping from the online store fo Europe, assembles a variety of soothing background tracks.

The album's selected themes include Yasunori Mitsuda's "Corridors of Time" from Chrono Trigger, Kenichiro Fukui's "Earthlight" credits theme from Einhänder, Yoko Shimomura's "Somnia Memorias" from Parasite Eve, and Masashi Hamauzu's "Besaid Island" from Final Fantasy X.

The music track "Clear" by Mitsuto Suzuki first appeared on his studio album "In My Own Backyard." Included on the compilation, Suzuki arranges Masashi Hamauzu's "Botshaft" theme from Saga Frontier 2, while Hidenori Iwasaki (VAG40) arranges "Silent Joy Mix" by Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi from Racing Lagoon.

Naoshi Mizuta's composition "Noel's Theme" from Final Fantasy XIII-2, along with "Mist" (inspired by "Out of Phase" by Yoko Shimomura) from Parasite Eve II, appear on the album. Keiichi Okabe's "Kainé / Salvation" originated in the NieR soundtrack, while Junya Nakano's "Illusion" is from Final Fantasy X. Kenji Ito's "Crystal Legend" from Chocobo Racing arranges Nobuo Uematsu's chocobo theme.

Excerpts from Life Style Relax are streaming on YouTube, courtesy of Square Enix. Other chill tracks from Square Enix can be found on their Spotify playlist.

Square Enix store (Europe) - LIFE STYLE: RELAX [CD]