Two arrangements bookend the eight-track album, contributed by Masato Nakamura and Miwa Yoshida of Dreams Come True. "UP ON THE GREEN HILL from Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hill Zone- MASADO and MIWASCO" is followed by "SWEET DREAM feat.AKON- MASADO and MIWASCO." A music video for "Up on the Green Hill" can be viewed on YouTube.
Also appearing on the album are "Sonic Special Stage(PKCZ REMIX)," "Green Hill Zone - Banvox Version," "Follow The Wind(Casino Night Zone)" by WONK, "Scrap Brain Zone" Daisuke Kaminaga (Wagakki Band) feat. Famikoto, and "Game Result" (kz covered), and "Faster Than Light (Star Light Zone)" by Vickeblanka.
The Sonic The Hedgehog Tribute compilation is streaming on YouTube Music, Spotify and Amazon Music Unlimited.
Universal Music - Sonic The Hedgehog Tribute
YouTube Music - Sonic The Hedgehog Tribute (Streaming)
映画「ソニック・ザ・ムービー/ソニック VS ナックルズ」オフィシャル・トリビュートアルバム
— umusicjapan (@umusicjapan) August 8, 2022
🔷「Sonic the Hedgehog Tribute」🔷
8月19日 (金)
▶特設HPソニック #ソニックVSナックルズ@SonicOfficialJP @Sonic_MovieJP