The collaborative cover album, reinterpreting the puzzle-platformer soundtrack by Morusque, premiered on January 4th of 2013. Participating musicians have contributed to an assortment of independently developed titles, from Fez and Squids to Big Bang Mini.
The nine arrangements rounding out the compilation are by Z.E.P., Romain Gauthier, Clément Duquesne, Sylvain Hellio, Yann Cleophas, Guilhem Cleophas, Dj Mokram, Souleye, Square tune magician, and Disasterpeace.
Blocks That Matter is available for Windows, Mac and Linux on Steam and GOG. The original soundtrack and cover album are on Bandcamp.
From the product page:
When indie game developers Alexey and Markus are in trouble, their only hope comes from their creation. You are the Tetrobot: a tiny robot that can drill blocks of matter one by one, collect them, and recycle them into new pieces of 4 blocks. You also have the possibility to destroy lines of 8+ blocks in a very «retro russian» game style. Sand, wood, stone, obsidian, iron, diamond: each matter has its specific behaviour you'll have to use wisely and take advantage of them. So get ready to use your brain and combine your platforming and puzzle-solving skills in this incredible mashup!GOG - Blocks That Matter
Reworks That Matter is now available! It's free, so do not fear to listen, download and share. (1/2)
— Swing Swing Submarine (@swingswingsub) January 4, 2013