Developer Double Fine gained the intellectual property rights to the Psychonauts franchise ten years ago, and was acquired by Microsoft in 2019. The plotline of the 3D platformer follows the exploits of powerful psychic Razputin “Raz” Aquato, directly following the events of the interstitial VR title Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin.
Double Fine has uploaded a karaoke video to YouTube for the vocal track "Smell The Universe." Alternatively titled "Cosmic I," the song leads off the Psychonauts 2 Original Soundtrack, Vol.2 album, performed in-game by Jack Black. The first volume, focusing on the orchestral and jazz elements of the score, is also streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.
Psychonauts 2 is available for Windows, Mac and Linux through Steam, as well as Playstation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles.
From the product page:
Razputin “Raz” Aquato, trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts! But these psychic super spies are in trouble. Their leader hasn't been the same since he was rescued from a kidnapping, and what's worse, there's a mole hiding in headquarters.Double Fine - Psychonauts 2 (Original Soundtrack), Vol. 2
#Psychonauts2 (Original Soundtrack), Vol. 2 is AVAILABLE NOW on streaming and download platforms: @jackblack & @DoubleFine bring the ROCK in the latest entry of this legendary game soundtrack.
— Skill Tree Records (@skilltreerecord) March 15, 2022