The Ongaku

Operation Darkness soundtrack Vol.1 & Vol.2 streaming on Spotify

Jerry on
Operation Darkness soundtrack Vol.1 & Vol.2 streaming on Spotify
Success Corporation developed story-driven tactical role-playing game Operation Darkness exclusively for Xbox 360 consoles in 2007. An English-language localization launched the following year, published by Atlus.

The fantasy-themed storyline reimagines battles taking place in World War II as supernatural conflicts. British soldiers Edward Kyle and Cordelia Blake join the Wolf Pack special forces unit, waging war against zombies and vampire combatants.

The two-volume Operation Darkness digital soundtrack is now available for streaming through YouTube Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music Unlimited. Music for the game is by Kenichi Arakawa, Kazushi Tsurukubo and Tetsurō Satō. Crossfade sample trailers for each volume can be viewed on the Success YouTube channel.

From the YouTube trailer description:
Xbox 360で発売されたシミュレーションRPGのサウンド30曲収録のVol.2です。 第二次大戦中のヨーロッパを舞台に史実とフィクションが交錯する、緊迫感溢れる物語のサウンドトラックです。
Linkcore - Operation Darkness Original Soundtrack - VOL.1 / VOL.2