Aired on the afternoon of October 2nd, “I Heard Mountain Men Are Popular” put Uematsu front and center, joined around a campfire by music director Keiji Kawamori and sound director Makoto Ise. On the following afternoon, Okabe's educational program paired the NieR: Replicant composer with creative director Yoko Taro and series producer Yosuke Saito.
Two live music performances were also organized by the publisher. Taking place the evening of October 2nd, "Square Enix Jazz Live Painting" was the latest performance headed by arrangers Eijiro Nakagawa and Ryu Kawamura. The musicians performed alongside illustrator NOVOL, whose designs can be viewed on the covers of "SQUARE ENIX JAZZ" arrangement albums.
The Lounge Jam aired the previous evening, showcasing the performances of the Ryo Miyachi Quintet, featuring arrangements and bass by Ryo Miyachi, trumpet and flugel horn by Hiro Zishikawa, guitar by Takuma Asada, piano and keyboards by Shota Watanabe, and drums and percussion by Natsumi Inokuchi.
Square Enix - Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online
#TGS2021 配信番組紹介🎪
— SQUARE ENIX MUSIC (@sem_sep) September 27, 2021
10月2日(土) 14:15~配信予定