The Ongaku

Music Creation for the PlayStation playlist by CoLD SToRAGE on Spotify

Jerry on
Music Creation for the PlayStation playlist by CoLD SToRAGE on Spotify
In anticipation of the upcoming release of WipEout: The Zero Gravity Soundtrack, the "Music Creation for the PlayStation" playlist by CoLD SToRAGE is now playing on Spotify and Amazon Music Unlimited.

Selections from the Music Creation playlist appeared in MUSICtm for PlayStation, created by British game developer Codemasters. The album also includes audio from the Official PlayStation Magazine discs and tracks featured in MUSIC 2000 / MTV Music Generator, developed by Jester Interactive.

The 31-track collection, published by Welsh game composer Tim Wright, is hosted on the CoLD SToRAGE Bandcamp page.

From the product page:
This album is a collection of all the major demo tunes I composed for MUSICtm "Music Creation for PlayStation" series.
Spotify - Music Creation for the Playstation by CoLD SToRAGE