The compilation selects 50 music tracks from composer Hirokazu Tanaka's unreleased demo recordings, composed between 1981 and 2010. The album ships from distributors CDJapan, Play-Asia, Black Screen Records in Europe, and disk union in Japan. An official trailer can be viewed on the DIW by disk union YouTube channel.
Previous installment, Lost Tapes, premiered on compact disc in March of 2021, and includes 25 music tracks dating back to the '80s and '90s. A crossfade trailer can be viewed on the DIW by diskunion YouTube channel. Preorders have opened for the Lost Tapes 17 vinyl LP at distributors Black Screen Records in Europe, Play-Asia, and disk union in Japan.
From the product page:
”驚きと発見の連続。だれもが知るポケモン主題歌のだれも知らなかったアウトテイク。それらの原型となったデモや、各時代の貴重なプライベート音源は、歴史的な価値だけではなく、音楽の可能性や瑞々しいアイディアが生まれる瞬間に立ち会うことを許してくれる。今なおエッジィであり続け、世界中からリスペクトを集める作曲家の、秘められた実験記録。” -佐藤優介-Black Screen Records - Lost Tapes 17 Vinyl LP / More Lost Tapes (CD)
Play-Asia - More Lost Tapes (2CD) / Lost Tapes 17 Vinyl LP
CDJapan - More Lost Tapes (2CD) / Django (CD) / Domingo (CD) / Domani (CD)
disk union - More Lost Tapes / Lost Tapes 17 Vinyl LP
— Chip Tanaka / たなかひろかず (@tanac2e) June 23, 2024
7/24発売。全50曲 以下内容