The Ongaku

Kirby 30th Anniversary Live Blu-ray & CD ships from Play-Asia

Jerry on
Kirby 30th Anniversary Live Blu-ray & CD ships from Play-Asia
The Kirby 30th Anniversary Live Blu-ray & CD, from the performance last year at the from Tokyo Garden Theater, ships from distributor Play-Asia.

Music from HAL Laboratory's platforming game series for Nintendo consoles is composed by Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando. Arrangement albums "Sound of Kirby Café 1 & 2" were published to compact disc in Japan, distributed through Kirby Café coffee shop locations.

Excerpts of all 27 arranged tracks from "Sound of Kirby Café 1 & 2" are streaming on the HAL Laboratory website. Arrangers include HAL audio designers Megumi Ohara and Yuuta Ogasawara.

Play-Asia - Kirby's Dream Land 30th Anniversary Music Festival Live Blu-ray & Live CD

Kirby 30th Anniversary - Live Blu-ray & CD