The Ongaku

Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack Plus ships from CDJapan

Jerry on
Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack Plus ships from CDJapan
Publisher Square Enix has announced the compact disc publication of the Original Soundtrack Plus album for Final Fantasy VII Remake. The digital soundtrack is streaming on Amazon Music Unlimited, Spotify, and YouTube Music.

Scheduled for release on four CDs on December 23rd in Japan, the soundtrack includes music from the PlayStation 4 role-playing game's cinematic cutscenes. A trailer can be viewed on YouTube, courtesy of the publisher, while excerpts of all tracks can be previewed on the album website.

Cover art for the album is by game director Tetsuya Nomura. Music for the album is composed by multiple artists, including Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Mitsuto Suzuki, Tadayoshi Makino, Yasunori Nishiki and Keiki Kobayashi.

From the product page:
The album also features an original cover illustration from director and concept designer Tetsuya Nomura, making this a must-have item for fans! Four-disc CD contains in-game BGM tracks, focussing on the themes from the movie cut-scenes that were not included in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK.
CDJapan - Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack Plus

Square Enix Japan - Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack Plus Excerpts