The Ongaku

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour Live debuts in Japan

Jerry on
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour Live debuts in Japan
Featuring live recordings from the concert in Kanagawa "Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour Live (2024.09.08)" has debuted Japan. The album ships on two compact discs from distributors CDJapan and Play-Asia. Excerpts of all orchestral arrangements are streaming on digital music store Ototoy.

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestral Arrangement Album previously premiered, pressed on compact disc. Arrangements of music from the action role-playing game are performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Hirofumi Kurita.

The ten-track album includes orchestral renditions of "Main Theme of FFVII - Battle Edit," "Cosmo Canyon - Sanctum of Planetology," and "Welcome to the Gold Saucer," among other music tracks. The crossfade trailer is streaming on the publisher's YouTube channel.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour Live (2024.09.08)

1. The Unknown Journey Continues
3. FFVIIメインテーマ Battle Edit
4. 広がる世界 -グラスランド~ジュノン~コレル山-
5. 星を巡る旅 -コレル砂漠~ゴンガガ~コスモ~ニブル-
6. クイーンズ・ブラッド
7. 忠犬スタンプ REBIRTH メドレー
8. ルーファウス歓迎式典 -新社長の歌-
9. 太陽の海岸 -コスタ・デル・ソル-
10. ヘリガンナーカスタム
11. 終わりゆく世界 メドレー
12. 星降る峡谷 -コスモキャニオン-


1. Welcome Dance -ハダカノココロ-
2. ウェルカム・トゥ・ゴールドソーサー
3. LOVELESS 組曲 -女神の贈り物-
4. No Promises to Keep LOVELESS Ver. 5. ガリアンビースト
6. J-E-N-O-V-A LIFE 交響曲
7. リバース=セフィロス 交響曲
8. Encore: 片翼の天使 -再誕- メドレー
9. Encore: エアリスのテーマ -星に帰る- メドレー

From the product page:
Introducing the FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH orchestral arrangement album! Featuring carefully selected tracks from the original soundtracks of the game, all newly recorded in a magnificent orchestral arrangement. Immerse yourself in the marvelous performances by conductor Hirofumi Kurita and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra.
CDJapan - FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth Orchestral Arrangement Album / FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Orchestra World Tour Live (2024.09.08)

Play-Asia - FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth Orchestral Arrangement Album / Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour Live (2024.09.08)

Apple Music - FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Orchestra World Tour LIVE 2024.09.08

Square Enix Store - FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth Orchestral Arrangement Album - North America / Europe

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Orchestral Arrangement Album - Apple Music / YouTube Music