The Ongaku

Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 ships on vinyl and CD

Jerry on
Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 ships on vinyl and CD
"Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2" by composer Mike Morasky ships on vinyl and compact disc, via Ipecac Recordings. The store page is available via Valve Studio Orchestra's Bandcamp site.

Team Fortress 2 debuted in October of 2007, included in The Orange Box compilation for PC, Xbox 360, and later ported to PlayStation 3. The multiplayer title is available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems through Steam.

The 32-track music score for the online arena FPS is streaming on Spotify. An (Expansion Pack) EP "Jungle Inferno" includes three additional unreleased tracks, free to download on Bandcamp.

From the product page:
Other games pay lip-service to class variety, while actually offering only thin variations on basic combat. TF2, on the other hand, delivers, offering widely divergent gameplay styles and appealing to a broad range of tactical abilities and skills. And on top of the nine classes themselves, TF2's unique game modes, signature art style, and persistent player statistics combine to create a wildly fun and addictive experience.
Ipecac Recordings - Valve