Duck Detective: The Secret Salami Soundtrack debuts on Steam

Jerry on 2024-05-23
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami, developed by Happy Broccoli Games in Berlin, launched earlier today. A comical crime drama inspired by Agatha Christie novels, the narrative adventure game stars a down-on-his-luck private investigator—who happens to be a duck.

Protagonist Eugene McQuacklin, voiced by actor Sean Chiplock, is challenged with interrogating suspects and searching out evidence in pursuit of suspects. Composed by Svyatoslav Petrov, the ten-track soundtrack is published through Steam. The twenty-minute jazz album is streaming on the developer's YouTube channel.

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is available for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Series X|S consoles, along with Windows, Mac and Linux through Steam.

From the product page:
Solving crime is no walk in the pond. You are a down-on-his-luck detective who also happens to be a duck. Use your powers of de-duck-tion to inspect evidence, fill in the blanks, and bust the case wide open, in a narrative mystery adventure where nothing is quite as it seems.

Inspect and interview suspects to learn their hidden secrets, then use the information you’ve gathered (plus your own de-duck-tive reasoning) to locate the suspect and bust the case wide open!
Nintendo - Duck Detective - The Secret Salami
