The Ongaku

Ch'illout'' compilation by CoLD SToRAGE reimagines WipEout

Jerry on
Ch'illout'' compilation by CoLD SToRAGE reimagines WipEout
Ch'illout'' ambient renditions by Welsh composer CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright) reimagine his soundtracks to Psygnosis-developed anti-gravity racing games WipEout and WipEout 2097.

The 17-track digital edition is available through Bandcamp, together with 64-bit digital remastered WipEout soundtracks Slipstream Volume One and Volume Two. Mixed and mastered at Hess-Betonburg Studios, Switzerland, excerpts are streaming on SoundCloud.

From the product page:
I first had the idea for this double album back in late 2015. A collection of selected music from the Sony PlayStation game WipEout and WipEout 2097(XL) all remixed in a more laid-back style on a sexy double audio CD... If you stuck with me during this time, I hope I've done you proud here!
YouTube Music - Ch'illout''