The Ongaku

An Cinniuint album by Yasunori Mitsuda on streaming platforms

Jerry on
An Cinniuint album by Yasunori Mitsuda on streaming platforms
Chrono Trigger and Xenogears composer Yasunori Mitsuda's "An Cinniuint" album is available for streaming on Amazon Music Unlimited, Spotify and YouTube Music.

First published in 2008 through the composer's Sleigh Bells label, the album exploring traditional Irish music conventions served as the 40-track soundtrack to the PlayStation 2 role-playing game Tsugunai: Atonement by developer Cattle Call, later localized for English-language regions by Atlus. Characterized by Celtic instrumentation, and translated from Irish to mean "fate" or "destiny," the album weighs in at two-hours in length.

The digital edition of "An Cinniuint" is published through Procyon, along with Mitsuda albums "Sailing to the World" and "The Boxed Garden." A ten-minute cross-fade trailer is on YouTube, courtesy of the publisher.

YouTube Music - An Cinniuint by Yasunori Mitsuda

Apple Music - An Cinniuint by Yasunori Mitsuda